Did You Ever Get Stung? Ch. 04

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There was a hand on Jenna’s shoulder, too close for her eyes to focus so that it overlapped itself like a shadow. She blinked and turned slowly towards the voice.

“Can you hear me, darling? What’s your name?”

The face hanging over slowly resolved itself into some degree of clarity: round, made even rounder by the tight pixie cut, concerned and kindly. She tried to sit up, which made the world buck viciously about. There seemed to be some sort of wall behind her; she pushed her shoulders to the bricks to steady things.


“OK, Jenna, I’m Siân. Are you alright?”

Of course she wasn’t, she seemed to have collapsed. Her mouth tasted foul and her face felt weird. It took a moment to realise she had been sick. That was great, there was this cute girl being sweet at her and she had vomit down her front. She struggled to her feet, letting Siân’s hand steady her from in front as much as the wall did behind. They were in an alley. In fact they were in the alley at the side of that pub. How had she got back here? Why had she got back here? She was never going to do that, was she?

Siân stepped back, letting her try to balance on her own but arms ready in case she toppled over again. She felt like she was in a centrifuge, the floor spinning so madly it held her on her feet. She looked down her front and realised it could be worse, she was enough of a mess to feel ashamed but not such a reeking disgrace she couldn’t get a taxi.

“Thanks. I’m … ummm … feel a bit weird.”

She was embarrassed. If she was actually aware of being embarrassed, she couldn’t be really pissed. She took a deep breath and concentrated. She wasn’t acting drunk, was she? Bloody strange. She didn’t remember putting these clothes on either. Except she did, but that must have been almost a fortnight ago. She looked up and saw Siân watching her from the other side of the alley, with a look that was midway between concern and a rueful acknowledgement of having been there herself at some point.

“Probably ought to get you home, yeah.”

They found a taxi, whose driver gave Jenna a cautious look but let her in anyway. She concentrated very hard, managed to remember and clearly recite her own address, and then subsided into the seat leaving Siân to field casual comments. When they arrived, Siân gave the driver a cheery ‘coupla minutes, boss’, then supported Jenna up the path and waited for her to get the door open before disappearing into the night.

Jenna blundered into the kitchen to drink some water from the fridge, which immediately made her legs weak and reminded her how much she needed to pee. It wasn’t until she was sitting on the loo that the various jigsaw pieces wafting about in her mind settled themselves into one picture. She dug her phone out of her pocket and stared at the screen for a long time.

There was milk in the fridge. She checked the use-by date, then tentatively opened it and took a cautious sniff. She drank a little. Perfectly fresh. She sat on the sofa, switched on the telly and found a news station. She seemed to be stuck in a very convincing facsimile of Friday before last, but to be honest she was too damned tired to try making any sense of it.

She must have got up from the sofa, because she woke up next morning in bed. Her head was tender and her mouth disgusting, she was grubby-dirty all over, but she wasn’t quite as hung-over as she should be from the state she had been carried home in. The radio continued to assure her it was Saturday, so she forgot work and took a very long shower, reflecting that when she found somewhere permanent to live it needed a bath. It was Saturday, there was no getting round that. The whole shambles, from bumping into Lynsey to sobbing her heart out on the pavement outside, must have been some elaborate and involved dream as she passed out.

It was incredible, how long had she been there? Surely only minutes, and yet she seemed to have lived through almost a fortnight. No she hadn’t, huge chunks were entirely missing. She couldn’t remember anything mundane or everyday. She could still feel the sick fear of going in to work on Monday, but now she realised she never had; there was a sudden jump from Sunday afternoon to Wednesday evening. She had thought, even as it was happening, that her own dreams and needs were turning on her; had there been anything at all that wasn’t already in her mind? Any act that she hadn’t fantasised about before; any person she hadn’t already seen? Well there was Lucy, but other than that? When had she passed out? How much of that conversation had happened; had any of it? There was one thing more she needed to check up on. The only thing that truly mattered, and the one that she needed to confirm but was scared to even think about. She wrapped a towel around herself and picked up her phone.

“Hello Liz, how’s things?”

The voice on the other end sounded a little puzzled, not resentful but simply curious at being rung at nine on a Saturday gorukle escort morning to be asked how she was.

“Fine. You alright?”

“Err, yeah. Sorry, I got a little drunk last night – a lot drunk actually – and I’ve got this vague feeling I was talking shit to someone over the phone in the early hours. Hope it wasn’t you.”

“Not me, Jen. I was fast asleep.”

“You’re sure? You’re not just saving my blushes?”

“I promise you, nothing to apologise for.”

“Thank God for that. Have you got any plans tomorrow?”

“Not really.”

“Fancy coming over and let me cook you something? Apology for what I thought I’d done wrong.”

Her mouth was outrunning her brain, better stop that before she said something really stupid and difficult to explain.

“Well it’s hardly necessary, but it sounds fun. Lunch or dinner?”

“Whichever you prefer. Oh Liz, do you know a girl called Lynsey? About my age, nurse, gorgeous?”

She could hear the smile in Liz’ voice, even over the phone.

“Doesn’t ring any bells, but I’m out of touch these days. Did you have an enjoyable evening?”

“Never you mind. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Jenna pulled on some clothes and made her reluctant way to Sainsbury’s and the shopping that would only get more unpleasant the longer she left it. By the time she got off the bus and toted her bags home, she was shattered. She collapsed on the sofa with a cup of tea and tried to think the whole thing through. It was bloody weird, as weird a thing as had ever happened to her. She’d never been much for recreational drugs, she didn’t exactly have experience to go on. Had someone spiked her Sea Breeze? Or was it just the stress of so very long finally letting up just enough for her to snap? It had all seemed so real, and so long. Alien abductions were like that, weren’t they – days apparently passing when there were only minutes unaccounted for. Or was it the other way round? She couldn’t remember which. She had always thought the whole business about being carried off, strapped down and probed every which way was just weird frustrated sex dreams bubbling to the surface. If she was losing her mind, at least she was skipping the little grey middlemen. Her doorbell rang.

Jenna had become used to opening the door and finding her callers looming in her face, as unavoidable in the cramped space as it was oppressive, but not this time. The woman was sitting on the top step, forearms resting on her knees and twiddling a grass stem casually in her hands.


“Morning. I don’t know if you remember, but we met last night. I’m Siân.”

“Of course. Sorry, I was totally wasted, thanks for taking pity on me.”

Siân’s mouth twitched at the corners, the shyest and most fleeting of grins, as nervous a gesture as the way she was peeling the blade of grass with her nails. Her voice matched the actions, as unsure of herself as Jenna invariably became when confronted by an attractive woman.

“Wasn’t pity, you just needed a hand. Anyway, I thought I’d pop by and check you were alright now.”

“I’m fine. Thank you. And thank you for coming round; now you’re here, let me give you something for the taxi.”

Siân dropped the shreds of grass and waved her hand dismissively. She was attractive, wasn’t she? Not exactly beautiful, at least not in the way that leapt out the first time you saw her face. She looked sweet, and thoughtful, hesitantly endearing. There was something about her that set Jenna at ease.

“You were on my way, it’s not a problem. Just thought I should make sure everything was alright …”

She stood up, looking everywhere but at Jenna.

“… and … ummm … I wondered if you maybe fancied a meal or something. Some day. If you want, you don’t owe me anything.”

“You’re not serious …”

That sounded very wrong, not how she meant it at all. It had tumbled out of Jenna’s shocked mouth before she had time to think. Siân shrugged and turned away.

“… Sorry! No, sorry, didn’t mean it like that. The last time you saw me, I’d thrown up on myself.”

Siân shook her head. That nervous grin was really cute, it sent Jenna’s mind racing way past the appropriate pleasantries and made her think about other situations that might make her shy and hesitant.

“Washed off, didn’t it?”

“I was about to make another cup of tea. Why don’t you come in?”

Showing Siân indoors felt strange. Jenna couldn’t stop her mind running back to what hadn’t happened with Liz but still seemed disturbingly real, she almost expected them to stumble over that gag abandoned on the floor. She really needed to stop thinking about sex now, with this sweet friendly newcomer in the space which suddenly felt far smaller than usual. Siân herself didn’t help by giving Ute Lemper an appreciative passing look.

“Nice. I knew there was a reason smoking seemed so cool when I was fourteen.”

“Tea or coffee?”

“Whichever.” altıparmak eskort bayan

“Please. You made an effort last night, let me do something for you. Which would you prefer?”

“Coffee then, if you insist.”

Jenna put on the kettle. She had been right a few minutes before: not beautiful in the way that leapt out across a crowded bar, but that didn’t have to mean not beautiful at all, did it? Sometimes it grew on you over time, as you came to know the person; sometimes what seemed so attractive at first glance faded with familiarity. There was something she couldn’t quite define, maddeningly just out of reach of her understanding. Something about the way Siân had spoken to her last night, something in the look on her face that made Jenna want to reach out and stroke it.

She realised that her hand was already halfway there. She let it drop and coughed over her embarrassment as she opened the fridge and took out the milk. Siân shook her head.

“I prefer black. And you can if you want, I wouldn’t mind at all.”

Jenna put the milk down. She stepped back, unsure of what to do or say. This wasn’t making any sense, and she realised she was scared stupid of another round of ‘too good to be true’. Could she be entirely certain that this was real now, or was it yet another layer of dream upon dream?



Siân was attractive, and getting more so by the minute; and she had been as kind last night as she was sweet now, it made total sense for Jenna to feel something. How did it work the other way round? She had hardly made a good first impression.

“Why? Why me? The first time you ever saw me, I was lying in the gutter rat-arsed.”

Siân grinned. If only she would stop doing that, it was so distractingly sexy and cute.

“Actually the first time I saw you, you were looking pretty hot, but you were talking to someone. Then you disappeared together, and I was …”

More grin; even more colour on her round cheeks, eyes going everywhere but towards Jenna. Siân grabbed the coffee mug and beat her retreat to the living room.

“You were what?”

“Pretty jealous.”

“We didn’t do anything.”

She said that too quickly, as if she was apologising that Siân could even think it. Siân noticed, raised an eyebrow over her mug. Jenna stopped herself from saying any more, from explaining that it didn’t have anything to do with falling down drunk; that she wouldn’t have wanted to in any state. This whole situation was getting out of her control, developing a momentum of its own that she barely understood. She took a seat opposite Siân and tried to catch up.

She knew she could be too passive, she let herself fall in love and then she let them take over. Not just in bed, but everywhere, and she knew that wasn’t really their fault. She created the vacuum and left other women to fill it, and then she felt sorry for herself because they were never exactly what she had hoped for. She didn’t like being pushy, it wasn’t her. Perhaps that extraordinary dream had just been telling her that sometimes she really did need to make things clear.

“Look, I’m … I’m really grateful about last night, but I’ve … errr … I’ve made a few really stupid mistakes recently and I need to be clear about stuff. I think I’d like to go out for a meal, if that’s all it is. Or if it’s part of something serious. I don’t want to go out for the evening and then back home for a quick tumble, I can’t do that right at the moment. I’m looking for a relationship. Sorry.”

“Hold on, let me work out of I’m being insulted …”

The grin didn’t alter. Whatever Jenna had just said, Siân didn’t seem inclined to take it too much to heart.

“… OK, fair enough. Any other unreasonable demands?”

She needed to say it some time. Last night – for whatever reason or due to whichever chemicals – she had experienced some sort of hallucinatory breakdown, and that had been at least partly down to the unbearable tension churning round inside her because she wasn’t getting the sex she needed. She needed to say it now, not let herself get too far into something that wasn’t going to work before she could bring herself to discuss the subject. She needed not to go through everything that went wrong with Molls again.

“I’d like to make love.”

“Sounds good.”

“I need to look back on whatever we do and know then that it was making love. Sometimes – during – I need for it not to feel like that.”

“How do you want it to feel?”

She had stepped too far now, there was no turning back once she had started. Better this way, better to be disappointed now than heartbroken later on.

“Rough. Dirty. Cruel.”

Siân put her mug down. Jenna’s watch seemed to be ticking slower as she watched the other woman uncoil from the sofa, gangly legs straightening with a surprisingly graceful action. Siân leant across the table and Jenna’s head tipped back to nilüfer eskort bayan meet her mouth without thinking. Moth-light touch on her lips, sticking ever so slightly to each other afterwards. No force, no tongue, just the delicate brushing caress matching the soft whisper that came next.

“You, or me?”

“Last night, when you looked after me. I liked that, I liked you being the strong one.”

Tongue this time: tip skimming gently along her lips, making them part in response but already gone when they did.

“What about you? Ever want to try the other way round?”

“I don’t know.”

“Doesn’t matter. We could try though, if you ever want.”

Hands on her face, not pushing it back any further but making it feel held there; making her feel safe. Opening her mouth like a baby bird and taking Siân’s tongue into herself on the third pass. Feeling something full and giving in her hand, realising that instinct had drawn it up between them to find Siân’s breast. Siân settled astride her, knees squeezing between her hips and the arms of the chair; pulling her top over her head and unsnapping her bra in one fluid natural movement. Jenna leant forward and kissed the breasts presented to her face. Siân’s arms wrapped round her head and cradled her between their soft swell. The smell of Siân’s skin filled her nose, she licked the warm valley of cleavage and felt the top of her head kissed in response.


She wasn’t even sure what she was asking for; she didn’t want to ask for anything. Far better to just keep silent and let Siân take whatever she chose, but somewhere she needed to say ‘please’ with those arms around her. She felt them change when she did; felt the urgency twinge in their muscles as much as she felt it in the breath rustling through her hair. Siân leant away from her, reached down between their bodies to fidget with Jenna’s zip; slid down onto the floor between Jenna’s feet and dragged her jeans after. Struggle, Siân wrestling one of Jenna’s shoes off to pull her out of one trouser leg, Jenna’s own hands pushing her knickers away until Siân took over and finished the job.

Sex – even the ‘good’ sex when they weren’t fighting and years of practice made them skilled at satisfying each other’s bodies – became routine when the spark between them had dwindled and faded. It was years since anyone had grabbed Jenna’s hips in their hands and dragged her groin urgently towards their yearning mouth. Siân’s tongue between her legs felt good, but even better than the physical sensation was the need in it; feeling like an exotic desirable treat that Siân couldn’t wait to taste and rub her face against. She pulled off her T-shirt, desperate to be naked with Siân, desperate to feel the back of the chair against her skin and let Siân’s hands stray wherever they chose. Siân looked up at her, running the tip of her tongue lazily over wet lips as their eyes met.

“This all theoretical, or have you got loads of kit hidden away somewhere?”


“Got any handcuffs?”

Jenna was in heaven, a sweet and rather pretty girl had just interrupted going down on her to ask about cuffing her wrists. That only ever happened in fantasies, didn’t it? She had honestly begun to think it never would be real in her life. She needed to take a deep breath before she could answer.

“Want me to get them?”

“Go on. Smack your botty if you don’t.”

She could hear the laughter in Siân’s voice as she scrambled up and scampered into the bedroom. She didn’t feel she was being laughed at, it was laughing with and it made her feel light-headed. As she delved in the carrier bag at the back of her wardrobe, without a stitch on, she couldn’t help but wonder whether what she had dreamed about Liz was even a little accurate. She couldn’t begin to imagine Ellie getting all silly and giggly over it; was that the real Liz too, or could she have a laugh sometimes?

Jenna took the handcuffs back to the living room and Siân. The mood of a few minutes before wasn’t broken, but there was just enough of a stutter to make her understand that she was walking naked into the room and it wasn’t awkward. Siân already set her at ease. She had also taken advantage of Jenna’s absence to close the living room curtains and take off her shoes. She was standing in the diffuse summer light, pale breasts emphasising the dark fullness of her nipples and jeans button undone, looking as if she belonged in Jenna’s home. She took the cuffs from Jenna’s hand and turned them over in her own, prudently testing both the key and the other trigger.

“Mind if we do rough, dirty and cruel sometime but not first time?”

“I think I’d prefer that.”

“Good. Hold out your hand for me …”

She kept her eyes on Jenna’s face as she slipped one cuff on, using Jenna’s right wrist to push the loop through the lock and letting it flip back on itself. The way you were supposed to cuff someone; the way that suggested she knew exactly what she was doing.

“… Know why you’re wearing that? That’s to remind you that you’re not responsible anymore. You’re mine, and you’re going to do whatever I want you to, and no one’s going to laugh or be shocked at you, because you aren’t responsible for your actions. All you need to do is relax and enjoy us.”

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