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Subject: The belated education of Charlie Hibbs: Prologue and chapter 1 DISCLAIMER: This story contains depictions of sexual acts performed by boys with each other and boys with men. If this content is something that offends you or it is illegal for you to read such content please do not read any further. If you are too young to access this content lawfully please do not read any furher. All places and characters depicted in this story are purely fictional and not based on any places or people in real life and any similarities to real places and people a completely coincidental and not intended in any way. This story is fantasy, not reality. If you have trouble telling the difference between the two please do not read any further and seek professional help. All depictions of sexual acts in this story are pure fantasy. This story is not intended to condone such acts being be performed by anyone outside of the realms of fantasy. If you feel that you may be struggling to split fantasy from the real world or you fear you may not be able to stop yourself from attempting such things in real life I implore you to seek professional psychological assistance immediately! Childeren are innocent. They should remain so. The events and acts depicted in this story are for fantastical entertainment purposes only and should never, ever, ever be reenacted in real life. Any questions, comments or criticisms are welcome. Please send them ail. Thank you. The belated education of Charlie Hibbs Prologue Rain lashed the large victorian windows of the cavernous hallway. The sound was loud but nothing compared to the deafening clap of thunder that dutifully followed the bright flash of lightening that would momentarily brighten the old fixtures and furniture. Charlie Hibbs jumped at the sound, almost sliding off the large wooden bench he found himself sat on. He had never liked thunder and lightening. He sat for a moment steadying his breathing until the irrational fear passed and looked once again at the brass plaque that read ‘headmaster’ on the door to the office. How long ago had his father gone in there? Every so often he had heard the muffled sound of his dad’s voice along with that of another man but he couldn’t make out what they were saying. He didn’t like this place. He knew it from the moment he saw the foreboding image of the enormous building rising up in the distance as they drove up the mile long driveway to what was to become his new home from home, at least for now. In his mind he kept going over the conversation in the car on the way here, wondering if there could have been anything at all he could have said to convince his father to spare him from this fate… “But dad! I don’t wanna go to boarding school!” He had whined, “I promise I will be good. You won’t have to worry about me, I can take care of myself.” Mr Hibbs looked at his son in the rear view mirror, “Oh Charlie, you are 11 years old. You can’t take care of yourself and I have to work so there really isn’t much option.” Charlie was prepared for this and readied his rehearsed retort, “You said I had really matured! You said I had really stepped up and helped out around the house. Since mum left I have taken care of the cleaning, vacuuming, washing the clothes….Is it because I didn’t iron them? I would have but i didn’t know how the iron works. If you show me I’ll do it! I promise!” Charlie waited for his fathers response wondering if his pleading would lead to the miracle of the car doing a one eighty and taking both of them back home. The crushing defeat he felt when he heard what his father said next cannot be overstated, “It is true you have been amazing these past few months. It has been hard on both of us and I know I couldn’t have gotten through this without your help but now it’s time for me to be a responsible father and do what’s best for you and what’s best is you going to Rockstaff. Trust me son, I went to Rockstaff and those were the best years of my life. I am sure you will love it there too. Just give it a chance okay?” It didn’t work. Charlie was clutching at straws now, trying so hard in desperation to find the elusive combination of words he could say to get his father to see sense, “But…..but I won’t know anyone! And the school year already started a month ago! Everyone will already have their groups of friends and I’ll just be some weirdo loner kid! Please dad! Please don’t do this….” “Son, I know you think you won’t like it there but…” he began to say before a rare interruption from Charlie stopped him mid sentence, “I KNOW I WON’T!” SCREEECH! The sudden application of the cars breaks during the emergency stop caused Charlie to lurch forward, thank god for seatbelts. Charlie sat back in the chair and looked up just in time to see the furious face of his father turned to look directly at his, “THAT’S ENOUGH!…. Now you listen and you listen good! Regardless of what has happened since that bitch abandoned us we have to make the best of this bad situation. I can’t take you with me on business and you can’t be left alone at home! You are too young! Now you are going to Rockstaff and that is final so just MAKE YOUR PEACE WITH IT!………….” Mr Hibbs took a deep breath and exhaled while turning his attention back towards the road and began driving again as his son sat silently in the back seat. Charlie could feel the stinging in the corners of his eyes where tears were beginning to form. He didn’t want to cry, why give his father the satisfaction? He turned his head to look out the window into the dark and stormy night, the rain pouring down the window a mirror of his cheeks, hopefully his dad’s attention was enough on the road he wouldn’t notice. Almost as if to answer that thought he heard his father mumbling to himself, “…always wanted you to go to Rockstaff anyway…. your mother though…. bitch would always give me so much crap… ship sailed when she decided to up and leave….” He was too lost in his thoughts to notice Charlie’s tears. The rest of the journey passed in silence until it was broken by Mr Hibbs, “Ah! There it is, Rockstaff.” Charlie looked at the large building sat on a hill in the distance, barely visible in the night sky but for the brief moments it became a terrifying silhouette of black against the lightening brightened horizon. The building itself was still quite far away when they drove up to the large wrought iron gates and stopped. The ancient looking gates stood there closed. ‘Like a prison’ Charlie thought. Mr Hibbs rolled down the driver’s side window and immediately a cold and wet gust invaded the calm warmth of the car. Charlie wrapped his arms around himself and shivered a little while his father reached out to press the button on the intercom. It buzzed for a few seconds before a mans voice came crackling out of the old speaker. “Rockstaff, state your business.” Charlie’s father answered, “Yes hello? This is Mr Hibbs with my son Charlie.” A long silence……Perhaps they han’t heard? Again his father tried to state his business ensuring to shout a little over the wind and rain so that he came through clearly, “Hello?! I said this is Mr Frank Hibbs!….. I am here to drop off my son Charlie!…..Is anyone there?! Can you hear….” The disembodied voice from the intercom interrupted him, “I heard you Hibbs. I know you are here to deliver your son to us. I also know that you were meant to be here at 4pm sharp and it is now 8:30.” “Ahh…yes…well you see traffic was murder and…” “I am not interested in your excuses Hibbs. Punctuality is a virtue taken extremely importantly here at Rockstaff. I would think a former pupil would have known that……” Charlie watched as the strongest man he had ever known in his short life looked down at his feet and replied in a sheepish voice, “yessir…i…i know. i am sorry sir….” The intercom went silent…. Charlie asked, “umm.. dad? What…” “SHHH!” Came his father’s response. They both waited silently. … … The intercom crackled again, “Very well Hibbs, bring him up.” BEEEEEEEEEEP! The loud piercing noise coming from the old speaker was drowned out by the creaking of metal upon rusted metal as the old wrought iron gates struggled to open, eventually doing so with a noise that Charlie thought would best be heard in a horror movie and nowhere else. Charlie’s father rolled up his window and took a deep breath, “phew…hah…surprised he’s still here…” starting the engine and beginning to drive up the long driveway to the main building. Charlie knew his father was more thinking out loud than talking to him so he didn’t ask any quetions, he just watched as the overbearing presence of the large country house that was to become his jail for the next seven years loomed ever closer, ever more intimidating. It was now it finally dawned on him. This was his fate, to be abandoned by his father just like his mother. Charlie couldn’t help it, that same stinging in the eyes….tears were streaming down his cheeks in silent sobs. He sat there, numb. Mr Hibbs seemed to have regained himself since his brief conversation with the intercom and parked the car outside the entrance to the large house. Charlie looked through the rain spattered glass and could see the large door of the house Çorum Escort open, a small man in a black suit stood there with a warm, inviting light glowing behind him. Charlie’s father turned around in the driver’s seat to look back at him, “Well, here we are then…” His expression softened when he looked at the tear stained face of his son, “Hmm…here,” He handed Charie a handkerchief, “wipe your face, we need to make good imoression.” Charlie took the rag and wiped his face as best he could, sniffing and trying to gather himself. His father watched, “Hey…” “Yeah dad?” “….I love you…. You know that right?” Charlie didn’t know what to say. He knew what he was meant to say but… “Yeah….sure.” Came his response. The two of them left the car and quickly trotted up the steps to the entrance of the main house, their brief time in the torrential rain being enough to soak them both through. Charlie followed his father’s lead and completely ignored the little man in the black suit stood holding the large door open for them. He followed quickly at his father’s side until he stopped and exclaimed, “Phew! that storm really is something!….wow…” Charlie watched his father gaze over the large, ornate hallway they now found themselves in. Charie looked around as well. The large oak doors were still open, the storm raging outside. Charlie could see the little man in the black suit coming up the stairs now had some packages. No…not packages.That was his luggage. Charlie looked at the grand piano placed under the sprawling staircase, he looked at the lights of the chandalier hanging from the ceiling reflected in the polished marble floor. He was overwhelmed by the absolute beauty of this place. BANG! The sound of the large oak doors closing was enough to shake Charlie from his dream like state. He turned quickly to see the little man in his now very wet black suit, stood holding his bags, “If you would.” came his gravely voice right before turning away and beginning to walk up the large staircase. Charlie felt his father’s hand on his back nudging him forward. They both followed the man up to the first foor hallway. He placed Charlie’s bags down by the side of a door with a shiny brass plaque on it that read ‘Headmaster’. The little man gave Charlie a quick glance then looked into his father’s eyes. Both men’s gaze met silently and they shared a single nod. The little man walked away and Charlie’s father looked at him, “Just sit here for a moment okay? I need to speak to your new Headmaster.” “Sure, yeah, okay….” Mr Hibbs knocked twice on the door. Charlie heard a voice say, “Enter!” and his father did, leaving Charlie alone in the cavernous hallway, the storm raging outside, his only company the loud and terrifying claps of thunder. ‘I know I’m gonna hate it here’ He thought to himself. Chapter One- A good old fashioned Rockstaff welcome Minutes passed slowly. Charlie found himself becoming more and more curious about what was being said by the two men deciding his future in the office. Why couldn’t he be part of the conversation? IT was him who would have to suffer this place after all. He stood and slowly crept closer to the door. He leaned in, turning his ear to the frosted glass of the window and steadied his breathing. A bright flash of lightening once again briefly illuminated the hall followed a few seconds later by rumbling thunder. It sounded further away now but still loud. As the noise of thunder subsided he could just make out his fathers voice and the voice of another an he assumed must be the headmaster. “Yes hedmaster.” Came the muffled voice of Mr Hibbs. “Alot?” Came the domineering voice of the other man. “No sir, well….not when i saw it last.” “When was that?” “About…hmm…about a month ago.” Charlie wondered what they could possibly be talking about but they continued so he just listened. The headmaster asked his next question of Mr Hibbs, “Very well. What are we working with in terms of size?” “For his age he is quite developed in size but still light skinned.” Came the answer. “Mmmm, creamy white and large, reminds me of you haha.” “Haha yes headmaster. Can I ask sir…” The headmasters voice cut him off, “I don’t know Hibbs, can you?” A few moments later, “Ah. My apologies sir, may I ask you a quesion?” “You may.” “Thank you sir, well, I rememer starting here myself and none of these questions were necessary. I was wondering is this a new procedure for all the boys starting their first year at Rockstaff?” Some more lighteneing accompanied by the inevitable thunder drowned out whatever answer the headmaster gave but Charlie wouldn’t have heard it anyway. The distraction of a finger lightly tapping his shoulder was enough for him to catch his breath in his throat and spin around, shocked he had been caught eavesdropping. He stood frozen for a moment not even daring to breathe as he beheld the owner of the finger that had scared him half to death. A boy. Just another boy like himself. “Hi” Came his greeting, cheery enough to match his smile. Charlie remembered that he needed to breathe and took a few deep breaths as he steadied himself enough to see the boy was holding out his hand. Charlie took it in his and they shook hands. “Uhhh hi.” The boy held Charlies hand firmly as his eyes darted up and down him quickly, when his eyes met Charlies again his smile grew a little wider, “Seb.” “Huh?” Charlies confusion was obvious so the boy repeated himself, “Seb. That’s my name. Well, Sebastian is my name but i prefer Seb. Sebastian Carver, pleased to meet you.” “Oh..Ohhh right, err sorry. I’m Charlie.” “No, haha I should be sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you like that.” “Oh. Oh no that was… that was nothing, I wasn’t scared.” Chalire lied. Seb gave Charlie one more squeeze of the hand and let his arm fall to his side, “So you’re my new bunk buddy! Finally! I couldn’t believe it when i got here and they said there was an odd number this year, then of course my luck being what it is I drew the short straw haha. No seriously, we drew straws! Isn’t that something? You know I never knew people actually did that, you know literally, I just thought it was an old saying but now it’s obvious that’s where the saying comes from! Isn’t it funny the things you don’t think about until you do? Anyway I am so sorry to just go on and on but I am just so excited! All the other boys have been great and tried their best but it’s not the same you know?” All through this long diatribe Charlie had stood in silence. He listened to every word Seb had said. With each syllabal passing his fast moving mouth he realised more and more, there was so much he didn’t know. What were they talking about in there? Why hadn’t his dad ever talked about this place before? Who the hell was this Seb kid and what the fuck was he talking about? Why the hell didn’t anyone EVER TELL HIM ANYTHING! Charlie was getting angry and he didn’t fully understand why, “Look!….Ahem! Err…Look…I don’t know what you are talking about…..” Charlie let that hang in the air between them for no other reason than what the hell else could he say? Seb broke the silence, “What do you mean?” His cheery, welcoming smile never leaving his face. Charlie thought for a second, there was so much he didn’t know that, well, he didn’t even know where to start! “Okay…Umm…I just arrived here, just about….err….why aren’t there any clocks around here?” “Oh yeah, haha. You get used to it.” Another non answer that just raised more questions. Charlie didn’t have time for this, “Wha…Ahhh….okay, forget that, we will….we will circle back round to that later just…just gimme a sec.” “Sure” Came Seb’s happy reply. Charlie looked the boy up and own as he thought. Seb was about his height, maybe a half inch taller. Even in the dim light of the hallway he could tell his hair was blond, very light blond and it cascaded down over his fore head in a manner charilie could only describe as floppy. His eyes were blue and looked at Charle with a hopeful kindness that seemed to make him feel welcome somehow. He wore white and blue striped pyjamas with a button up shirt that held quite baggily around his 11 year old frame. It seemed to be a little big for him. Charlie looked down at the slippers on his feet and understood why he hadn’t heard him coming down the hallway. He had gathered his thoughts. It was time to get some answers, “Okay, tell me-” At that moment the door to the headmasters office swung open cutting his sentence short. His father and the headmaster stepped into the hallway laughing softly together, apparently remembering old times. Mr. Hibbs looked at Charlie and smiled. The headmaster looked at Seb who piped up at once, “You sent for me headmaster?” “Are yes, Carver . I see you have already met your new bunk buddy.” “Yessir.” “Wonderful, well if you would be so kind as to show Hibbs to the room you and he will be sharing I will be showing Mr Hibbs to the guest quarters.” Mr Hibbs protested, “Oh no, really headmaster it’s fine, I can get a room at the pub in the village.” With a wave of his hand the headmaster made it clear, “No no, I insist. It’s far too late to be leaving now. Besides, It would give us a chance for a night cap and a Çorum Escort Bayan quick catch up.” Resiging himself Mr Hibbs just smiled and looked towards his son with his arms open, he clearly wanted to hug his son good night. Charlie didn’t want to but…he stepped into the embrace. He hugged his father back as expected and replied good night when it was said to him. The whole thing felt fake to Charlie. Perhaps it showed because his Mr. Hibbs interrupted Charlies existensial analysis of this good night hug, “You okay?” Reminded he was still there Charlie replied, “Huh? Oh… oh yeah umm. I’m fine. Just tired.” Charlie could see on his dads face that he didn’t belive him but it didn’t matter. The next moment the headmaster was clapping his arm around Mr Hibbs shoulders and ushering them all down the long hallway, “Scotch drinker Hibbs? I happen to have a 35 year old Oban that is quite a favourite of mine and-” “Headmaster?” The high voice of Seb interrupted their stride as all three of them stopped to look back at Seb who hadn’t moved from his spot, “I thought….Well when I heard you had sent for me I thought that maybe my bunk buddy had arrived and that…and that I was here to….help?” The headmaster listened to the boy intently and walked forward. He gently placed his hand on Seb’s shoulder and spoke calmly, “That was the original plan yes. That was why you were waiting here earlier…” The headmaster slightly tilted his head back and spoke the next few words louder, “ four o’clock sharp!..” Charlie watched his dad look at the floor, “…but the plan had to be changed due to the lateness of Mr Hibbs’ arrival. We will simply have to do induction tomorrow morning and of course you will be there to help. For now it is far past lights out and the two of you need to get to bed.” Seb looked really crestfallen, like a kid that had woken up so early it was still Christmas eve and their parents had told them to go back to bed, “O…okay sir.” The headmaster patted his shoulder and the two of them rejoined Charlie and his father. They walked to the end of the long hall and turned right into another long hallway. They turned right again and down yet another long hall. ‘How huge is this place?’ Charlie thought as they came to corridor to the left and stopped. The headmaster turned to Charlie and Seb, “Well, here we are boys, First years dormitory. Carver I am certain you know the way from here.” Seb still looking glum, “yessir.” The headmaster regarded the boy for just a moment before a twinkle came to his eye, “You know Carver, just because we had to delay induction doesn’t mean you can’t give him a good old fashioned Rockstaff welcome.” Seb’s eyes lit up, “Can I?!” “Ah ah ah…” “Oh, Sorry sir. May I?” “You may, just be quick about it then straight to sleep. We need you both up and ready to go bright and early.” Charlie was confused, he looked at his dad who for some reason was looking at him with a knowing smile on his face. Charlie was about to ask what that meant when Seb grabbed his hand and began pulling him down the corridor, “Come on! We’re down here.” Charie being dragged along looked back to see the headmaster leading his father off to drink scotch. He thought for a moment he heard his dad call out something folloewd by both men laughing. It sounded like…have fun? Huh…nah. Seb pulled Charlie along the corridor at a brisk pace, “We gotta be quiet since the other boys might already be asleep.” He said more in a loud whisper than actual words. They reached what was evidently the door to their room and Seb stopped. He fumbled in the breast pocket of his oversized night shirt and produced a small key. He proceeded to unlock the door and push it open, “Welcome home.” He said pushing Charlie lightly into the room. It was dark. “Where’s the light switch?” Charlie asked. Seb replied, “Lights out is at 9PM for us first years. Here…” He cicked on a small torch and handed it to Charlie. Charlie took it and moved the small beam of light around the room. He couldn’t see much. There seemed to be two beds, two desks (one was bare, the other strewn with photos in picture frames, toys, pens and pencils etc) a window with the curtains drawn and various posters on the wall but….no, no Charlie couldn’t make out what they were posters of in such dim light. As he looked, or tried to may be more accurate, Seb continued talking, “That’s you on that side. I’m already moved in over here. I don’t know how much you brought with you but there isn’t much storage space. I brought way too much with me. My dad tried to warn me but you know, I really wanted to bring all my toys haha. How can you pick just a few you know? I guess they will get you sorted with your uniform and stuff tomorrow. So your dad went here too? Yeah same. I think most of the boys here have dad’s who came here too. God I am so glad to finally be at Rockstaff. My dad has told me so many stories! Hey, When did your dad go here? Maybe he knew my dad! Oh! Maybe they had sex together! Wouldn’t that be awesome? If your dad and my dad…..and now me and you….I mean that would be crazy right?!” Charlie wasn’t really listening. He had moved slowly over to the bed in the dark room and sat down on it quietly. He was lost in his thoughts. What had his father and the headmaster been talking abou…WAIT A FUCKING MINUTE! “What?! What did you say?” Charlie was certain he had misheard. The same warm smile on Seb’s face, “I just mean it would be so cool if your dad and my dad went here together you know? Cos now we are bunk buddies. I just think it would be-” “NO! ….No. What I mean is….What did you mean when you said they may have had sex?” A long silence followed Charlies question as Seb’s smile dipped slightly. His eyes regarded Charlie and a look of curiosity came over his face, “Did…did your dad ever tell you any stories about Rockstaff?” “No.” Charlie responded frankly. Seb’s eyebrows rose a little, the look of curiosity was slowly replaced with a look of apiphany. He slowly walked over and sat next to charlie on the bed, “Did he…tell you anything about Rockstaff at all?” He asked softly. “I didn’t even know there was a place called Rockstaff until yesterday morning when my dad just announced out the blue he was sending me here. I didn’t know he went to boarding school or that he discussed it with my mum and she said no or that…that…” Charlie could feel it rising again, the anger mixed with frustration and hurt, “I…I didn’t know that day when I said goodbye to her that….that would be the last time I saw her cos she fucked off 10 minutes after i caught the bus!” The familiar stinging in his eyes, “I don’t know what the hell they were talkin about in that office! I don’t know what a Rockstaff welcome is or …or whatever the fuck he said!” Seb wrapped his arm around Charlie, “There is so much I don’t know! There is so much people don’t tell me! Why won’t anyone ever…just…just tell m m m meeeeee….” His words trailing off into sobs. He hadn’t realised it but he had sunk into Seb who was now holding him as he wept. For all the pain and confusion he felt he was grateful to be held like this, all ego gone. Right now he was just a scared and confused eleven year old boy frustrated with a world that refused to be honest with him. He allowed his tears to stream, openly vulnerable in the arms of a boy he had met just a few minutes before. The day had really taken it’s toll and for now Charlie was happy for this brief respite of peace, the first he had felt in a while. A few minutes passed, Charlies head nestled in Seb’s chest, his tears staining the sleeve of Seb’s night shirt, his sobs slowly subsiding. Charlie’s mind had become quiet. He felt relaxed and safe in Seb’s arms. This felt….nice. Charlie began to see the funny side, ‘How silly must I look? I met this boy just a little while ago and now I’m crying in his arms, his fingers stroking my head…. I must look ridiculous haha!’ Charlie smiled to himself, “Heh he….ha..hahaha” Seb was perplexed, “What’s funny?” Charlie looked at Seb’s bemused expression and just found that funny too. This whole thing was ridiculous, “Hahahahaha…” Seb could never resist laughter, it was infectious to him. He began laughing too. Soon the two boys were in hyterics laying on the bed unable to control their giggles. After each bout of giggles they would calm down….only to look at each other’s face again, smile, and then burst out laughing all over again. This cycle repeated a few times before they found themselves lying on the bed, each with his head on the pillow facing the other. They both looked at each other and smiled as they caught their breath. It’s rare to find a friend with whom you can laugh so hard about nothing. Charlie looked at Seb’s eyes, “Your eyes are really blue…” He thought out loud more than speaking to Seb. “It’s the sheets.” Seb’s voice woke Charlie from his mini day dream, “What?” “The bedsheets. They’re blue.” Seb looked at Charlies confused expression, ‘aww, he really doesn’t know anything…’ Seb thought to himself before speaking again, “Well, I have blue eyes so if I wear blue clothes or sleep in blue edsheets it makes my eyes very blue. You ever heard the saying ‘wow that Escort Çorum really brings out your eyes’? Well …yeah…that.” “Oh….” The two boys looked deeper into each others eyes. Charlie didn’t know what this feeling was. It seemed familiar yet…not. Like he was- “Brown.” Seb’s voice once again waking Charlie to where he was, “What?” “Brown….your eyes are brown.” Seb’s smile was something Charlie couldn’t help copying, “So, Seb…” “Hmm?” “Why were you so excited to have a bunk mate…” “Bunk buddy.” “Err…right…why were you so excited to have a bunk buddy?…and what is up with no clocks anywhere?…and what is a Rockstaff welcome?…and-” “Ah! Now that one I can answer!” Seb interrupted sitting up and removing his night shirt, “Get undressed.” He said to Charlie who watched him throwing the night shirt onto the floor before he switched off the torch. “Huh? Seb what are you-” “What? You sleep in your clothes?” “No.” “Well then, get undressed.” Charlie had never in his life gone to sleep fully dressed so it made sense. His shoes were already left by the door so he slipped off his socks and left them balled up on the floor. He then removed his jeans and left dropped them on the floor too with a thud. He had just removed his t-shirt and thrown it on the floor when he felt the matress shift. He looked behind in the darknes, “Seb? You in my bed again?” The torch light flicked back on to reveal Seb’s face, the rest of his body already under the duvet covers, “Yep haha.” Seb’s cheeky smile illuminated by the faint light of the torch, “You getting in?” Charlie smiled back at his new friend, “Sure.” It was a little chilly now he had undressed. Just a pair of boxer briefs isn’t anything to wear to keep warm. He slid under the covers and faced Seb who gave one last smile before clicking out the light. Darkness engulfed the two boys. Now there was silence. The faint rustle of bed sheets as Seb’s hand moved toward Charlie, ‘What’s he doing?’ Charlie thought as he flt the soft touch of Seb’s hand on his chest. He felt Seb’s fingers move toward his nipple, he felt the light pinch of the thumb and forefinger, ‘What is he…’ “You feel pretty chilly huh?” Seb’s voice cut through Charlie’s thoughts yet again. “Err…Yeah…how did-” “Your nipple is hard.” Came Seb’s answer to Charlie’s question before he had asked it. Charlie felt…he didn’t know what he felt. He had never been touched like this in all his young life. His nipple being tweaked, Seb’s hand caressing his chest feeling his now quickening heartbeat. Seb’s fingers moving down to his belly, making a few circles around his belly button before lowering even further to the hem of his boxer briefs, slipping under the hem of his boxer briefs, pulling down on his boxer briefs- “Whoa!” Charlie grabbed Seb’s hand with his, “Dude! What are you-” Seb cut him off, “You wanted me to show you right? A rockstaff welcome?” “Well, yeah but… I have to be naked for that?” Seb twisted his hand to take Charlie’s in his and held it gently, “Charlie, I’m your bunk buddy. You don’t have to be embarressed or shy with me. You can be completely honest and open with me and I can with you. That’s what a bunk buddy is for.” Charlie wasn’t sure how to respond, “I….I’ve never…” “Had sex?” Seb thought he had finished Charlie’s sentence. Charlie was taken aback, “What? No! Not that…well….no I haven’t…done that or anything but that’s…that’s not what I meant…I’ve never been…naked….with anyone before.” A few moments of silence passed. When Seb spoke next it was as if his voice were filled with a mixture of curiosity and….something else….pity maybe, “You really haven’t have you? Your dad never told you about Rockstaff so I’m guessing he didn’t tell you about, well, anything really huh?” Charlie didn’t respond so Seb continued, “Hey listen, I won’t ever lie or keep things from you. You’re my bunk buddy. That means a hell of alot here. That means no matter what it is you can count on me. Charlie…” Seb moved Charlie’s hand towrds himself and further down his body, “…you can trust me.” Charlie’s hand felt something, something hard yet soft, “Is that….is that your…?” “Uh huh…” Charlie breathed a little quicker, all his chilliness replaced with a wave of heat going through his body, he felt the familiar rush of warmth to his testicles followed by a rush of blood to is penis. He was getting hard. Seb’s hand closed around Charlie’s which in turn closed around Seb’s hard cock. Seb’s breathing was careful and paced as his hand left Charlies enclosed around his shaft and proceeded to pull down on the hem of Charlie’s underwear, no resistance was coming this time. Charlie felt his now quite stiff member being pulled down with his boxer briefs until finally snapping back up into position when finally freed from it’s cotton prison, hitting his belly with a little slap. As the underwear cleared his knees Charlie took over and kicked them off. Seb shifted his position to be up on his knees and pulled Charlie to the centre of the bed so he could lay comfortably flat on his back. Charlie could still feel Seb’s heartbeat in his rock hard penis. Once Charlie was perfectly positioned to Seb’s liking he leaned down so his face was close to Charlies and whispered, “Do you trust me?” Charlie thought for just a half a moment. How coud he not? He had the boys cock in his hand! “Yes, I do.” Charlie couldn’t see Seb’s smile in the darkness but could hear it in his voice, “Good.” With that said Seb leaned his face closer to Charlie’s. Then closer. So close they might as well- Seb’s lips found Charlie’s and engaged them in a passionate kiss. The first of Charlie’s life and the first of very many he would enjoy at Rockstaff. Charlie’s head was swimming. This was incredible! His first kiss! As Seb’s lips left charlies and moved down to his throat Charlie could do nothing but breathe, taking the whole situation in. He felt Seb’s lips on his throat, his neck, his chest and then his nipple. Seb playfully sucked and nibbled at both of Charlie’s nipples as his hand moved up his thigh towards his penis. Charlie thought he should feel nervous but he didn’t. He really did trust His new friend Seb. No, more than a friend. His new bunk buddy. When Seb’s hand wrapped around Charlie’s hard shaft for the first time ever Charlie drew in a deep breath. His heart was pounding! He knew that he had just crossed some bridge, some kind of line in life that he would now never be on the other side of again and he felt so….free. Seb’s hand slowly massaged the incredibly hard cock as his mouth edged closer and closer to it, his tongue playing with Charlie’s belly button. Charlie realised what Seb was about to do and felt….excitement! ‘Holy shit! Is this happening?! Am I actually gonna get my first blowj-‘ As was quickly becoming a habit of his, Seb again interrupted Charlie’s thoughts as his soft lips wrapped around the head of Charlie’s cock. He immediately engulfed the majority of it’s length in his warm, wet mouth. Charlie was beside himself. The feeling was unlike anything he had ever experienced. Seb’s head moving up and down, Charlies foreskin moving with it, his tongue wrapping around the sensitive tip as he went, the soft then strong suction of his cheeks….It was mindblowing! Charlie was in heaven, “ooooohhhhhhh…..ohhhhfffffffuuuuuccckkkkk!!!!!” Is all he could bring himself to say. He didn’t know why but his hands grasped to hold onto something, anything! His left hand grabbed some of the duvet cover while his right travelled down his own chest and tummy to find the top of Seb’s head. He placed his hand there and began running his fingers through Seb’s hair as he sucked. Seb’s response was to keep sucking even faster and harder while moving one of his hands to cup Charlie’s balls and the other up his chest to his nipple and began playing with it. The combination of sensations was almost too much for Charlie to bear. This was beyond anything he had felt before or even knew he could feel. He had discovered jerking off just over a year ago but this…. this was something else! And there it was. That familiar feeling he would get just before he orgasmed. He knew it was coming but this was on another level. He could tell this was going to be the most incredible orgasm he had ever had! He wasn’t wrong, “Ah! Ohhhhhh fuck. Oh fuck Sssss….Sssseb! I…Ohhhh I think I’m ….AAAHhhhhhhhhhhhh…………………” Seb knew he had gotten Charlie there. He could feel the pulsing of the cock in his mouth. He knew that in just a few months, a year maybe, he would be tasting what Charlie would shoot but not yet. He was still more than happy to enjoy Charlie enjoying his mouth, even if it was a dry orgasm. To say that Charlie enjoyed his first blowjob would be a gross understatement, it would also be an insult to Seb’s sucking skills which he prided himself on. No, What Charlie felt was no less than a miraculous awakening. An awakening of his sexuality, an awakening of his soul. Quite ironic then that his first instinct was to go straight to sleep. He couldn’t help it. He just seemed to be unable to keep his eyes open. He barely noticed Seb getting out of the bed and kissing him on the forehead while whispering the words, “Welcome to Rockstaff.” His last thought before finally drifting off into a long and well deserved peaceful night’s sleep was, ‘So that’s a Rockstaff welcome….I think I might like it here.’ Coming soon…. Chapter Two-The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree

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