After Dinner

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I’m entranced by the sensual invitation of the sight before me. Though normally I am generous, gentle, giving…typically intent on delivering your orgasm slow and passionately, tonight my mood is different. I need to cum and you – your body – will assist me.

Hours earlier my gaze had been enraptured by your tight dress accentuating the sexuality of your smooth, sultry frame. Our evening has been erotic, my hands having relentlessly explored ever-higher on your thighs under the tablecloth at dinner. You tried to keep your composure, initially ignoring my touch and fastening your knees together.

But after our waiter poured the wine and departed, leaving us again to the solitude of the dark corner booth, we progressed. My fingers continued to ascend beneath your dress, prying ever-higher between your upper thighs, falling into the inviting gap. My fingertips pressed into your luscious center. You felt warmth, engorgement, a tingling sensation…the thin fabric began to soften with your wetness as my fingers slid against the material, pressuring your pussy in circles. Through the thin covering I explored the vertical outline of your entry. I could feel how wet you’d become and instructed you to go to the ladies’ room and take off your panties. You obeyed and, returning to the table, stuffed them into my pocket. Easing back into the seat, conceding me further access, you spread your legs in yearning anticipation. A brief, clandestine moan of eagerness escaped your lips as I reached your center. While carrying on casual conversation to appear innocuous, my fingertips began to slide up and down over your lips, teasing your entry. And as your glistening wetness gathers from within, straining against my touch, my fingertips slipped inside you…

Now back from the evening my eyes prey upon your figure, descending from head to toe with carnal intent. Your wrists are bound together, stretched overhead to a ceiling hook. Your nipples, erect, strain through the revealing fabric of your bra. My gaze falls to your hips, descending to your feminine gap, and the new lingerie. I can feel my groin twitch in anticipation….

I stand from the corner after admiring your restrained figure. Vulnerable…enticing…unable to resist my carnal advances…I can feel my primal instinct ready for masculine dominance. To use your body as I wish. I stand and circle you, my prey. I approach you from behind. My hands flow over the curvature of your feminine sensuality.

“OH!” Ankara bayan escort you exclaim from the slight sting of a spank, just as my other hand cups your chest, sliding fingers underneath your bra. I pinch your nipple as my other hand rubs against your bum.

AHHH!” as my palm stings you again.

You’re wearing a garter. A rare, erogenous treat. The black straps descend south over your thighs, finally connecting to the lace stockings accentuating your legs.

I reach around you from behind, my hand on your stomach and then deliberately descend, following your curvature as they fall – wasting no time.

You exhale in relief as you feel my fingers reach your opening still so, so wet. I push a finger inside you from behind, penetrating your inner femininity as you sigh in desperate relief. A second finger. I rub your walls to your eager delight, moaning as I press against your pleasure spot. Your liquid drips from your canal, covering my fingers, comfortably filling your slippery snatch as I stroke inside, eager to feel you in full release. I withdraw momentarily.

From the table behind you I retrieve something. You can’t see. But as I place the tip at your entrance, you feel it…

You whimper as the glass phallus slides inside you, the cold heightening your sense. Your tight walls give way to the intrusion, filling you, a moan of ecstatic pleasure escaping your lips, my attention firmly held by watching you take the girth within. I begin to pump the toy in and out of your entry, quickening my depth, pace. You moan louder, your breathing deepening. I engage my other fingers, now stimulating your clit in circles. Your body is writhing in carnal pleasure of simultaneous stimulation. Your breathing deepening, moaning in full delight as I stimulate you pleasure centers. Your body continues to escalate in tension as I pleasure you. Your muscles tightening, breathing shortening, whimpers of immense pleasure and satisfaction escaping your pursed lips as silky wetness begins to stream from your center.

You cum. Thrusting your hips in consent, your muscles tensed in this orgasmic plateau, struggling for breath.

I can feel my erection throb in anticipation. I need to be inside of you.

Standing in front of you, in full view, I slide open my zipper and withdraw my hardened shaft. My cock is incredibly hard, pulsing in desperation. I grasp myself, surrounding Escort bayan Ankara my erect anatomy and begin stroking my cock, slowly, teasingly…your eyes are fixed on my groin.

I move close, approaching your triangle. I place the head of my shaft between your folds. I can already feel the hotness that awaits me. As you stand before me, restrained, your panties previously discarded, you realize the inevitability of what will happen next – I’m going to fuck you – and you moisten at the thought of submission. Your pussy is wet, open, and vulnerable. I rub the head of my cock against your cunt making my intentions clear. And, obediently, in submission to my dominance, you tilt your pelvis upwards, offering your femininity to my manhood. I move forward…you can’t resist…your entrance yielding to my penetration.

As the tightness of your pussy surrounds my forward advance you whimper in sexual delight. The sensations are overwhelming. You are beautiful, naked and restrained, legs spread, submitting to this sexual intrusion, your lips deliriously stretched by my girth. Tunneling deeper your warm walls move around me, the drenched tightness of your slippery canal wrapping me in indescribable pleasure.

Penetrating you fully, the length of my shaft extends to the very depth of your canal. My cock deep inside you, the hard shaft straining against the taught folds of your opening…I can’t help but indulge in fantasizing about the ultimate dominance: to fill you with my cum.

My thrusting increases in vigor and depth as I fuck you fully. My lips flow over your neck as I eagerly pierce your delicate femininity with each intimate collision, my swollen erection sliding in and out of your yielding entrance. I fuck you deeply, plunging fully inside as my length hits your cervix, my girth providing your entry a pleasurable stretch. My cock feels agonizingly fulfilling inside you but you delight in each sensual impact. As I collide against you, my lowest anatomy swing against you, readying to empty.

But I stop, and swiftly withdraw. Your face puzzles. I quickly unfasten your wrists, your arms falling to your sides.

“Get on your knees” I command. You obey.

I grasp a handful of your hair, pulling you towards me. Your eyes lock with mine as my cock approaches your mouth. Lips parting, your mouth engulfs my erection. Tonguing my shaft mercilessly, eagerly, passionately. The juices of our sexual satisfactions form an intertwined sheen your tongue Bayan escort Ankara instinctively cleans from my cock. Your lips are tight around my width as your mouth slides up and down, one hand falling to my orbs, deftly massaging their roundness…heavy, full, you think. In need of release. Eager to assist, your lips devour my length, the sounds of wet slurping as you pleasure me. Your tongue slides around me. A brief stroke with your hand. I moan in deep satisfaction. I can’t help but subtly thrust my hips forward at the immense oral pleasure, eager, getting closer…

The head of my cock rests just against the tightening of your throat, the warm wetness surrounding me.

But I want deeper.

Your eyes are wide with nervous submission, a look of both intimacy and readiness as if to say, “I’m ready…make me gag. Use me. I’m yours.”

I place both hands on the back of your head, interlacing your hair between my fingers as you inhale in preparation. I push my cock forward. You yield to the discomfort, eagerly submissive to pleasure me.

Lower. Lower.

Cough. Gag.

My length disappear as your lips rest against the base of my shaft.

“Yessss…that’s a good girl.”

I withdraw. You catch your breath, and then again I slide deep into your throat.



Deeply, purposefully I satisfy myself with the constriction of your throat.

As orgasm nears my shaft hardens, my scrotum lifts and tightens until, finally, the stimulation is overwhelming.

I’m going to cum.

I firmly grasp your hair, tilting your head back as your mouth instinctively opens. The throbbing tip of my cock is just inches from your warm lips. My deepest muscles forcefully contract just as time seems to stand still.

Erupting from my tip, a stream of white is propelled into your eager, waiting mouth; the silky ribbon splashes against the back of your throat. As my cock throbs and twitches, streaks of my masculine essence flow over your tongue…lips…cheeks, your beautiful face a perfect canvas for this masculine artistry.

I am absolutely mesmerized, entranced, and totally content in the pleasure you have delivered or, rather, the intimacy of what you have received. I am drifting in ecstasy, unparalleled pleasure. You smile at me and pause briefly, before you lower your mouth over me, closing your lips around my girth. Your tongue circles the tip. And then, lips tight, withdraw as your tongue cleans my shaft.

You slowly part your lips, and deviously smirk as you swirl your tongue through the pool of liquid. Your lips close, our eyes lock, and you swallow.

I may have had a first finish, but we are just getting started.

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